The Townsville Choral Society Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday the 10th March at 3pm immediately following choir practice.
The business which will be transacted will be in accordance with rule 26 (2) of the Constitution which states:
(2) The business to be transacted at every annual general meeting shall be
a) Confirmation of minutes of previous annual general meeting and special general meetings.
b) The receiving of the Management Committee’s report and the statement of income and expenditure, assets and liabilities and mortgages, charges and securities affecting the property of the association for the preceding financial year;
c) The receiving of the Auditor’s report upon the books and accounts for the preceding financial year.
d) The election of members of the Management Committee; and
e) The appointment of an Auditor.
f) General business. ”
Nominations are being called for the following positions:
Vice President x 3
Committee Members x 8
Download a nomination form here or collect one from our hall. The closing date for nominations is Sunday the 24th February 2019. Nominations must be completed and returned to the Secretary by that date.
A list of people nominated will then be displayed on the board by the 3rd March for consideration of our members. Financial members are eligible to vote.
To view fees and become a financial member of the society visit our membership page.