At our AGM on Sunday 10 March we thanked Rod Wilson for guiding our Society for the past nine years through his leadership as our President. Rod remains an active member of our society especially with Choral Aires and our Choir and we look forward to his continued involvement in various activities.
We celebrated and presented two members with pins for their years of membership: Karen Pease for 40 years and Laurel Elliott for 20 Years! Congratulations ladies!
The Society's newly elected committee is ready to take on the coming year's activities.
President: Sonia Warrell
Secretary: Kiri Lucas
Treasurer: Brett Greenland
Vice Presidents: Bob Hinds, Claire Davies and Sandra Neal
Management Committee Members: Nick Cliff, Kieri Darrigan, John Findlay, Emma Higgins, Tim Honeyball, Amberley Robinson and Kym Wilson