Say 'hi' to the members of Townsville Choral Society's committee who were appointed at the Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 8th March 2020.
President: Mrs Sonia Warrell
Secretary: Ms Kiri Lucas
Treasurer: Mr Brett Greenland AM
Senior Vice President: Mr John Grantham
Vice Presidents: Ms Claire Davies and Ms Sandra Neal
Committee Members: Nick Cliff, Kieri Darrigan, Leo Hogan, Tim Honeyball, Nicole Ireland, Deb Kelso, Samuel Stewart, Kym Wilson
The committee works hard so that Townsville Choral Society can continue to provide opportunities to learn and perform choral singing through activities such as Choir, Musicals, ChoralAires and performing at civic concerts and festivals, for the enjoyment of our community.

Back Row (L-R): Kiri Lucas, Deb Kelso, Nicole Ireland, Kym Wilson, Brett Greenland, Sandra Neal, Claire Davies and Kieri Darrigan
Front Row (L-R): Tim Honeyball, Leo Hogan, Sonia Warrell, John Grantham, Sam Stewart
Absent: Nick Cliff
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